Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Jayden was good ol' Darth Vader this year
and loved it. Of course, by the end of the
night he wasn't wearing his mask or
carrying his light saber, but he still looked
the part! He actually said he had enough
candy towards the end and wanted to go
home! Obviously his mother didn't teach
him that you can NEVER have enough

Kyla was Gabriella from HSM. She
looked so stinkin' pretty. She did get
to wear makeup and she was ecstatic!
She has the longest eyelashes ever!
Unlike her brother, she didn't think she
had enough candy at the end of the
night! Thank goodness!

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  1. haha, I found your blog. Okay that sounded creepy and blog stalkerish. oh well. Anyways, cute pictures. Your family is adorable. My blog is paulandtrisha.blogspot.com if you want to stalk me back :)

  2. Those costumes are so cute!! Kyla was very fast to point out tonight that she liked my mascara!!
