Saturday, February 28, 2009

Time flys by way too fast!

While I was doing the entry on Jayden, I realized that Kyla is going to be 6 years old next month also! My sweet little girl is going to be 6! I feel too old. I love this picture of her, it is one of my favorites. She is 5 1/2 months old and already a daddy's girl! I look at this picture and wish I could rewind the years and hold her again as a baby! I miss it so much already. What a blessing she is!
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Where has time gone?

I was scrolling through our thousands of pitures on our computer when the realization hit me that my baby is going to be 4 years old next month! Where has the time gone? He is so stinkin cute in this picture. He was 5 months old and his personality was blooming! He was getting ready to cut teeth as you can tell from all of the drool! I miss those baby days so much!
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Who dressed this poor girl?

I have to wonder who dressed her or better yet who let her walk out of her room like this. I think his name is Doug. I am pretty sure I was sleeping because I had worked the night before because I know I wouldn't have allowed her anywhere near the door! How sweet 5 year old innocence is. She is trying so hard to match all of her clothes and in this instance she would have told me they do match because they are all pink. I don't allow Doug to help Kyla match clothes because he can't match his own clothes! He is color blind so I will give him a break, a woman's work is never done!
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Transportation week at school

On Wednesday Kyla got to bring her bike to school and ride it around the parent pickup loop to celebrate the end of learning about different types of transportation. Everyone got to ride their bike, scooter, skateboard, etc. She has gotten very good at riding her bike without training wheels and wanted to show off a little! I was a little worried because when she panicks she forgets how to stop and plows right into things, like mailboxes and bushes! That is why she always wears a helmet! Of course she was really excited because her dad was going to be there too! She loves her daddy so much.
Kyla and her bff Keelie
Daddy and Kyla
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kids say the funniest things!

The other night when Doug was reading stories to the kids before bed, Kyla asked if she could read a story. Doug said sure, why don't you lay in the middle of Daddy and Jayden that way we can both see the story and what you are reading. Kyla said no because if she did she would be boy trapped! I have no clue where she comes up with this stuff! The wonders of kindergarten!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Beautiful Kids!

I love my kids so much. To me they are the most beautiful children in the world. I don't know what I would do without them. They bring us so much joy. They are growing up so quickly, that it actually scares me and I want to slow time down.

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Daddy's helper

Doug was changing my brakes and Jayden of course wanted to help! He loves everything is Dad does, especially when he gets to be dirty!
Doug actually let Jayden do a lot of the work and Jayden loved it. Jayden is very proud of himself for fixing mom's brakes!

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